Can you believe it?! Ramsey is three months!
Today is also my parents' 32nd anniversary, and we are thankful to be in Nebraska celebrating it with them!
How have three months gone by? I feel like she was just born yesterday, but at the same time I feel like I can't remember life without her. She had another month full of new adventures and several new 'firsts'.
She celebrated her 'first' Thanksgiving with LOTS of family members.
We took our 'first' walk along the canal in Chandler on a gorgeous Monday afternoon.
Today is also my parents' 32nd anniversary, and we are thankful to be in Nebraska celebrating it with them!
How have three months gone by? I feel like she was just born yesterday, but at the same time I feel like I can't remember life without her. She had another month full of new adventures and several new 'firsts'.
She celebrated her 'first' Thanksgiving with LOTS of family members.
She had her 'first' play date with a Nebraska friend, Breelyn!
She had her 'first' big family photo shoot and was looking so adorable!
She went to the nursery at church for the 'first' time. This was my proof that she survived. Lucky for me, the baby nursery was closed that Sunday so she went into the bigger kids room which was the one we volunteered in over the summer. It was a big weight of my shoulders to know she was safe with Mrs. Michelle and the other ladies.
Such a little love bug
She got her 'first' swim suit. (Technically second, but it's the first one I've bought for her.)
Just chillin' with her bow on backwards. It's still too big and rotates around her head sometimes!
She loves to play!
We had a little play date and went out for a walk with Maddie and Theresa. Doesn't it look like they are trying to hold hands?! So cute!
She went to her 'first' swim class!
She loved the water and is adjusting very well!
She got her 'first' pair of Christmas jammies and is clearly loving them!
The sun was a little bright, but we stopped by the tumbleweed tree while we were out Christmas shopping.
We met dad for a lunch date.
She got her 'first' Under Armour outfit from Auntie J. It's way too cute!
She obviously agrees!
She attended her 'first' birthday party for our neighbor, Abby. Her family was all too excited to love on her.
Jenny's grandma was especially excited to spend time with her!
The party was at the park so we also got in our 'first' park visit.
Ramsey got to come with to my office party and got to attend her 'first' Christmas party.
She was just hanging out while mom and dad got ready.
Sleeping like a champ on our walk.
She still loves her mama and spent most of this day in this position. I'll take every snuggle I can get knowing I will be back to work soon. :(
Ramsey loves attention and making sounds and silly faces to other people.
We took this picture after her 'first' time going underwater at her second swim class. She's a champ!
She had her 'first' visit with Santa at her new daycare. They invited us to stop for a visit even though she isn't starting until January.
She has lots of cute pajamas that hardly get seen by anyone so I like to take pictures of her in them!
She had her 'first' season of looking at Christmas lights!
She was ready to knock out a Monday!
We let dad open his birthday presents early so these two were excited to show off all their Under Armour gear!
Sitting up so tall!
And she still loves her tummy time!
She is growing so fast!
The weather has been so nice we have been enjoying lots of walks!
Want to know what someone looks like after nearly 11 hours of sleep?! This is it!
She also took her 'first' big road trip to Nebraska!
On our way she had her 'first' visit to New Mexico with a stopover to see my great-uncle and aunt, James and Vivian in Albuquerque.
We went out for breakfast at The Frontier, probably a 'first' of many stops there for this adorable little girl.
We were in Colorado for the weekend for her 'first' Benson family Christmas. Poor girl was feeling so terrible at Christmas, but she was such a trooper!
It was pretty cold while we were there so Ramsey got to wear these pants her grandmother Benson bought her for the 'first' time!
She was feeling a little better the next morning and was giving great-aunt Karen some silly faces!
On the road to Nebraska as a much happier camper!
She got lots of presents at the Benson family Christmas, including these adorable little sunglasses.
This might be my new favorite picture of her! ;P
One night uncle Nolan was working on her crawling with her. What a sweet uncle!
She still loves this activity gym at my parents' house. I think yellow is her favorite color! She is actually grabbing Big Bird now!
We had to wear this 'grandma' shirt, even though it's still a little big!
Madalynn came to visit again, (not a 'first')!
Ramsey enjoyed 'reading' her updated board as I was trying to take pictures of it.
This little one has had a very adventurous life so far. She has ridden on two airplane rides, visited five states, and gone under water in the pool! We love you, baby girl!
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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