Saturday, October 7, 2017

Ramsey Week 2

As promised, more Ramsey pics! Here is week two of Ramsey.
Sometimes my family asks for pictures of her and she is often sleeping so this is usually what they get. 

She loves cheering for the Huskers! Ramsey must be their good luck charm. Since she arrived, they are 2-0! She is ready to be a cheerleader! 

Two big Husker fans in the desert!

Her cord fell off so on Saturday morning we were able to take our first "real" bath!

I would like to know what she is thinking when she makes this face!

Saturday afternoon we took a long walk to the park. Matt and I used to walk about 2 1/2 miles everyday in preparation for Ramsey. She finally got to participate on this gorgeous afternoon!

She is always happy to be in tummy time whether its on the floor or chest to chest, she is always wide eyed in this position. 

Our only newborn "girl" outfit!

Jennifer brought her boys over to meet Ramsey. I hadn't made enough cookies so I let them decorate their own!

Sunday afternoons are for football.

We went over to Jenny and Vinnie's to watch football. Abby was healthy again and really excited to hold Ramsey!

Seriously, how cute are these two?!?

Melt my heart!

Jenny took lots of cute pictures of Ramsey while we were over!

My whole world wrapped up in one picture!

Monday Lovie and Mr. Phil came down to see Ramsey so we headed out to pick them up!

The day Ramsey arrived, she quickly became Mr. Phil's favorite person so he was just a little bit excited to meet her!

She is becoming more active and awake during the day! 

But she also loves to sleep! Be still my heart! <3 

Mr. Phil received a onesie from FBN so we were really excited to support our farmers on Monday! Patrick and Angela also sent us these really cute bows that actually fit her!!

She also LOVES to stick her tongue out!

We get lots of pictures of her when the grandparents are in town! ;)

While Ramsey sits around being cute all day, I get to work on writing thank you notes to everyone that is spoiling her. It's nice to finally have gender specific thank you notes!

She still fits into newborn clothes but we started wearing 0-3 months as she has TONS in that size and a lot more gender specific items!

It's hard to get anything done when she rests on me like this, and I am totally fine with that! 

I know this picture is extra blurry, but she is one wild sleeper! She managed to untangle herself from her blanket and turn herself as sideways as she could.

How cute is this headband?! 

Look how much she has changed! The first picture is at two days, the second is at two weeks.

We can't believe how quickly she is changing and are just trying to enjoy every single second of it!

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