Our girl is seven months!! Man, oh man! I LOVE that she is growing, but holy cow!! It was fun saying we had a six month old, but I don't know if I'm quite ready to say we have a seven month old! Ramsey had another busy month (if you can believe that!)
We have been doing lots of shopping at Target lately, and Ramsey has lots of fun!
We have been WAITING so long for her to sit up on her own. She has been getting in and out of sitting for a while and would sit a little bit, but she wasn't quite there. Then two days into being six months (Aunt Atlee's birthday) she decided that was the day she would sit up!
She hardly drinks a bottle at home so it was fun to see her try to feed it to herself.
Getting this cutie ready for Easter!
She is becoming so grown up!
I took her to get her picture with the Easter bunny at Bass Pro Shop. :)
Since she is growing up so fast, I decided it was time to pull out her "big girl" stroller. She loves it!
She was ready to hit the town for the Chandler BBQ Festival!
She had a blast reading her book, feeling the grass, and watching all the people!
The live pictures were so fun-she was kicking her legs like crazy!
She loves reading these texture books!
Mom and dad got really sick so she had to keep us happy while we were home.
She enjoyed a slice of mommy's apple!
Our little cutie in a fun Easter outfit for daycare.
I was getting her ready for daycare and set her down real quick, and then she decided to start crawling!! This was five days after she learned to sit! So much for the whole sitting still thing...It was a fun four days. ;)
Getting this whole sitting thing figured out!
She was the star of the show at our picnic with our church group.
Ready for another day of being cute!
Such a goofball!
I hardly get pictures of Ramsey and me together, but Matt snapped this one while I was vacuuming and Ramsey only wanted to be held by me.
She is digging her new water cup!
Turns out I usually put us in matching clothes. Guess I know what kind of mood I am in.
She has lots of fun looking at herself in the mirror!
Story time before bed.
Her Easter basket was waiting for her to be opened the next morning.
We were greeters at church on Easter morning. She is always a great helper!
I love my little family!
We came home and Ramsey had her first Easter egg hunt!
She crawled all over the living room to get her eggs.
And her favorite gift? The sunblock!
She loves riding on daddy's shoulders!
We were out for a walk, and usually she falls asleep. Today she was awake so we let her swing at the playground. She wasn't quite sure what to think!
Off to gymnastics!
Daddy got to come along to gymnastics this morning! He took so many videos!
I had to go into work on my day off so Jenny and Abby watched Ramsey for me.
Ramsey now gets to crawl all over our room while I am getting ready for work.
She had fun eating her carrots at daycare.
Playing with her baby before swimming.
Playing with daddy in the water!
I brought out some new toys on this morning, and Ramsey was loving them!
As I mentioned we are redoing our kitchen a little bit. She was a good helper as we looked for tile backsplash.
She has been LOVING food!
My friend Kelli came to visit so I took her to all the touristy places I could think of. Ramsey hadn't been to them yet either so she saw all the sights! First stop, hole in the rock.
We had such a busy day, and this girl rocked it! So I got her a Minnie Mouse!
Sunday afternoon we took Kelli to Veteran's Oasis Park. I guess I forgot to take any pictures of us, but I did snap this. It's so pretty!
Home girl has lots of fun getting messy at mealtime.
We are checking off gross motor skills, left and right! Standing, here we come!
I was so glad the outfit Kelli got her fit while she was visiting. Such a cutie!
Moving into sitting in the shopping carts!
Working on picking up small objects.
Hello my beautiful summertime babe!
More food!
Ramsey helped us find our new kitchen sink.
We went to our neighbors for dinner, and Ramsey had a BLAST playing with Abby! She laughed SO MUCH!
Playing at the playground after church.
She was ready to climb those stairs!
This girl thinks she gets away with a lot when I'm getting ready for the day.
We made it to gymnastics early so we got to play in the waiting area. She tried to climb up the slide and crawl in and out of the house.
She stole my pickle from my sandwich!
She is having a great time with our full length mirror. On this day, I put it on the floor so she could crawl across it.
She had pictures taken at daycare, and we got our prints back. She refused to smile so this is what we ended up with! I am keeping this picture forever! One day she will probably be so embarrassed!
Some nights we are more successful with her falling asleep in her crib. It seems like she knows where the camera is! She often throws her fit looking right into the camera!
We had our last day of swimming lessons, and this big girl mastered her safety skill! Such a perfect way to end our time. Hope she's ready to swim this summer at home!
Happy seven months, Ramsey. We love you! Can't wait to see what you will decide to do next month!